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Dental health for dogs and cats
Good dental health is crucial for the quality of life of your four-legged friend. Dental and oral cavity diseases are the most common diseases in animals! About 80% of dogs over the age of three suffer from periodontal disease requiring treatment, and about 75% of cats, regardless of their age, suffer from RL (resorptive lesions), a very painful disease in which lesions occur on the neck and root of the teeth.
Please feel free to arrange a consultation with a preventive appointment and help us together to improve the dental health of your four-legged friend!
Dental health is of great importance in our practice, because overlooking dental and oral cavity diseases can often have serious consequences, which are often unknown to you as a pet owner. First signs of dental diseases are manifold and can be visible for example by one-sided chewing or gulping of food, increased salivation, completely missing and insufficient food intake but also decreasing activity of your four-legged friend. We have known for a long time that toothache in animals is similar to a sensation in humans! Unfortunately, your darling does not always necessarily show changed behavior, especially chronic pain often remains undetected. Mechanical and immunological stress caused by pathogenic germs is often manifested by the accumulation of plaque and tartar, inflamed gums and mouth odor. In the worst case, chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity can lead to life-threatening secondary diseases such as cardiac valve endocardiosis, diabetes, pancreatitis, chronic renal insufficiency and liver disease.
A good prophylaxis with the help of proper nutrition and oral hygiene by you as a pet owner, as well as a regular check-up in our practice to examine the oral cavity and teeth very important. The correct diagnosis and therapy of a dental disease are indispensable. In order to determine the dental status, we first thoroughly examine the oral cavity of your animals in an initial appointment and conduct a detailed anamnesis discussion with you. Since the extent of the damage is often hidden under tartar and the bone substructure may also be affected, and 2/3 of the tooth may not be visible under the gum, dental radiography is the most important diagnostic procedure to determine the actual extent of dental disease, especially in the root area, and to initiate the correct therapy. If our dental specialist detects a disease in the area of the teeth, an appointment will be made with you for dental rehabilitation. Unfortunately, anesthesia is unavoidable for dental rehabilitation, which is why we discuss the exact course of the planned treatment during the initial examination and perform important preliminary examinations such as chest x-rays and blood tests to ensure that you are well anesthetized.
The first step in dental rehabilitation consists of cleaning the teeth with the removal of tartar using an electric ultrasonic scaler and subsequent mechanical cleaning of the gingival pockets using a curette. Subsequent examination of each tooth by means of probing as well as taking dental x-rays of the individual jaw sections then enables the initiation of the appropriate therapy. In the beginning, many processes can still be reversed by prophylaxis and cleaning, but from a certain point of damage, for example, in the case of severe recession of gums with changes in bone structure and beginning resorption of the jaw bone, due to, for example, advanced and prolonged periodontitis, tooth extraction is unavoidable and the only way to prevent the inflammation of a tooth from spreading to adjacent teeth.
Procedure tooth extraction